Selasa, 16 April 2013

book review "Walking Disaster " by JamieMcGuire

In my my review of Jamie McGuire's amazing Beautiful Disaster, I said in it was like crack. Well, her spectacular sequel, Walking Disaster, is a speedball of cocaine and heroine combined! I was euphoric, angry, depressed, insanely happy, and I was beyond addicted! Travis Maddox's scarred psyche + a deep soulful love + maintaining that love through sheer force of will = the trifecta of amazingness! There were some seriously painful moments but they were brilliantly balanced with moments of pure hilarity. There were so many LMAO moments I'm sure I did permanent damage to my stomache muscles because of laughing so hard and so often. Being in Travis' head was painful, fascinating, and funny as hell! This boy's psyche needs to be in the Louvre – because it's a work of art!

After spending sixty seconds in the pigeon's presence, I discerned two things: she didn't talk much, and when she did she was kind of a bitch. But I don't know... I kind of dug that about her.
Seeing Abby sit across the table, cranky and annoyed, cheered me right up. 
 The door slammed, and Shepley's shoulders tensed. Those moments bothered him. I, on the other hand, had a shrew [Abby] to tame..."
 She seemed pissed about something, but I ignored it. She probably just wasn't a morning person. Although with that logic, she wasn't an afternoon or night person, either. Come to think of it, she was kind of a cranky bitch... and I liked it.
If I'd been any less of an asshole, I would have insisted she stay home, but it had already been established on numerous occasions that I wasn't. 
 There were moments of humor, but when the reader gets in Travis' head... his feelings of sadness and unworthiness will Break. Your. Heart.

That's when the realization hit: as a couple we weren't going to work. No matter what I did, or how I finagled my way into her good graces. I would never be good enough for her. I didn't want her to end up with someone like me. I would just have to settle for whatever scraps of time I could get with her.
While reading Walking Disaster I kept thinking of kalediscopes. Seeing the events of Beautiful Disaster from Travis' POV was like reading a completely different and even more intensely beautiful story... A Beautiful Disaster event that read like angels with halos suddenly became demons breathing fire!

Beautiful Disaster was amazing, but Walking Disaster is PHENOMENAL! I loved the story from Abby's POV, but Travis POV enraptured me. Travis was so spellbinding he could've peed on my leg and called it rain and I would've believed him!

As I was reading Walking Disaster I'd look at my ceiling with the question – how much heartache and pain can one man take and still be so amazing? My God! Travis was TORMENTED! The beautiful, emotionally fragile, and seemingly untouchable boy had found this earth-shattering love, then was faced with losing that love. And he couldn't lose another love. He had a tenuous hold on his sanity before meeting and needing Abby, but after experiencing this wonderful, healing love he could not let it go. No matter what. Travis is as simple as rain, yet as complex as a labyrinth. Travis loves Abby – and he knows she loves him – and he has to be with her. Period. The events that may have come across as stalkerish or overly obsessive in Beautiful Disaster were now rendered passionate, brave, and incredibly sweet.

Unfortunately, reading the story from Travis' POV makes him come across as childish and a little annoying. The reader is privy to the desperate thoughts behind some of Travis' seriously worrisome actions and that serves to minimize the negative aspects of his behavior and allow feelings of empathy to emerge. Unfortunately, Travis' POV also accentuates Abby's fickle and sometimes bitchy behavior.

This is not a stand alone book. One HAS to read Beautiful Disaster before reading Walking Disaster. You have to first read Beautiful Disaster to experience the full and devastating impact of Travis' desperate love for Abby.

Oh, and the ending: Best. Epilogue. EVER!!!!! It is SPEC-TAC-U-LAR!!!! If you loved Travis before, I guarantee that epilogue will make you love him even more.

After reading Beautiful Disaster and before reading Walking Disaster I wondered, can you love someone too much? After reading Walking Disaster, my answer is a resounding NO!

I'm on sexy, possessive book boyfriend overload. Between Gideon Cross, Travis Maddox, and Christian Grey no man will ever measure up! I feel like I'm married to Gideon, with Travis as my lover, and Christian and I are having an emotional affair (because I can't take any hits. Lol!)

Beautiful Disaster broke my heart and Walking Disaster mended it. Excuse me while I delve into the world of underground fight clubs in search of my very own Travis Maddox.


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